Why Tokenomics Cycles?

2 min readJun 2, 2021

Lepracoin is introducing the concept of tax cycling to cryptocurrency. The token combines Reflection Yield, Burn, Liquidity Generation and Charity mechanics to make up an 8% transaction fee; but the amount of tax assigned to each of the above mechanics is variable.

The transaction fee is 8% and this will not change, but each cycle will have different Tokenomics in how that fee is distributed, designed for maximum growth potential. Each cycle lasts for 1 week initially to keep pace with fast initial growth, increasing to monthly cycles after that. The three cycles are: Growth (prioritising liquidity), Rewards (increasing reflection yield), and Charity (introducing a charity tax).

The cycles will help the token regenerate as it focusses on specific Tokenomics each cycle, rather than being locked into tax fees that might become inefficient longer term. It is our opinion that a static tax can stagnate a token longer-term through inefficiency. By cycling like this, it generates interest in each new cycle while allowing for a more dynamic token. Lepracoin, by introducing tax cycles allows for maximum return on investment over time, optimal growth, and an effective charity function while incentivising long-term holding by ensuring maximum efficiency of use of the transaction fee.

Take a look at the website to see a countdown to the next cycle: https://officiallepracoin.com/




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